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We all love to travel given half an opportunity.

Most people have to work hard to save money to take that well earned annual holiday.

Travel writers are a different breed! Most people see them as lucky people - with "easy jobs" and they get paid to do what many would be willing to do for free!

Sure - travel writing is a fun job and travel writers get to see many places that others dream about.

But travel writing is anything but easy. It is hard work. Really!

It involves unsocial hours - those who love a 9 to 5 job simply can't cut it as real high class travel writers.

Another fact of life for aspiring travel writers?

When you leave home for that travel assignment, home comforts remain in your home. Sooner or later, you are likely to get uncomfortable along your journey.

You have to be prepared for little and big surprises on your travels.

You may have a well thought out plan for your travel assignment when you begin - but travel plans rarely go according to ... plan. In most cases, it may be better to have an outline and then to go with the flow as you travel around.

We will cover more in the next issue

Need expert travel writers? We can write for your travel company, website, newspaper, magazine. Get in touch with us.

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